Thursday, April 19, 2012

Smart Wings: Prague to Budapest

We are considering taking a flight on the discount airlines: Smart Wings. I read some negative posts about the airline and how they would change or cancel flights with no notice. However, most of these posts were from 2005 %26amp; 2006. There is little posted in 2007/2008. Also, none of the posts referred to our route --Prague to Budapest (May 2008).

Has anyone used this airline lately? Any feedback, good or bad?

Thank you,


Cannot comment on this airline. But I would recommand you to take overnight sleeper train from Prague to Budapest. You will depart from Praha around 10pm, and then you will arrive in Budapest by next day morning around 8am. I just did last weekend as Airport in Budapest is way out of centre.



I too am debating between taking a Smart Wings flight from Prague to Budapest and taking the train during a trip in May. The train is longer (but probably somewhat charming, right?) and there have been so many negative posts about Smart Wings. Like the poster said, however, they are all from about a year ago.

what if I were to wait until I arrive in Prague in May to book one or the other? Are train tickets much cheaper in Prague than if I were to buy from the US online? Will the 1st class train tickets be sold out? Would I still possibly be able to get on the low-cost airline?



Not sure how charming the train trip from prg to bud is, but I thought it was a very nice ride. We don%26#39;t do overnight trains as we are retired, and prefer to see the countryside, rather than save a travel day.

I don%26#39;t think you%26#39;ll have much trouble booking the rail trip from Prague to Budapest when you get to Prague.

To the US poster, yes, I think the rail tickets were considerably cheaper when purchased abroad. Rail Europe has pretty much everything tied up here in the States, and %26quot;they ain%26#39;t cheap.%26quot;

If you have a bit of the adventurer about you, I%26#39;ll bet the bus fare is even less expensive, and probably about the same length of time



I took the sleeper train from Prague to Budapest. I bought the train ticket at the Prague train station a couple days before the departure date and it was fine. I was travelling during the summer peak season as well.

I can%26#39;t remember exactly how much the train ticket was, but it couldn%26#39;t have been more than $40 or so.

The train itself was pretty run down, and if you are unlucky and have a full train, you may have to share a cabin with 5 other people. Each cabin has up to 6 beds, where 3 beds are stacked on top of each other on each side of the cabin.

I snuck into an empty cabin and was able to get a cabin to myself. If I had to share with the 5 other people in my assigned cabin, I probably would have gotten no sleep.

The sleeper train is a good option as you save a night of hotel, and travel time. I would recommend it. Just expect the sleeping arrangements to be like a hostel environment.


I flew SmartWings two times (Paris and Athens) within last 5 months and had no problem. BUT I think it is much better to use the train, if you count all the time spent on the airports, probable delay time of departure...I would take the train probably. And the train is also probably arriving to Budapest city centre which saves you time on travel from the airport.


I would also recommend you take the train.

Unless you book your ticket six months in advance, prices in Smart Wings (and most budget airlines at that) are almost the same as those of a regular carrier.

I went by train to Budapest during the day, and it was a very enjoyable ride. It took seven hours. I got to the city at 5PM, which left enough time to go and explore a bit.

Anyway it goes, you aren%26#39;t saving nor much time nor money by going by plane, not mentioning confort issues.

By plane:

Airports are far from the centre of towns.

You must be at least two hours before departure and stand in a queue for about one.

You must go through increasingly stupid security checks.

You are packed like a battery chicken.

You arrive at an airport that is far from a city you don%26#39;t know.

You may have to wait an hour to claim your luggage.

All that without considering the fact that the flight is quite likely to be delayed, and probably for several hours.

By train:

Train stations are very close to the centre, you can take the metro to go there.

You can arrive five minutes before departure and just go to your seat withouth any increasingly stupid security checks.

You are likely to have a pretty comfortable seat and you will be able to stand and strech your legs while looking out the window.

If you want to eat, you can prepare yourself some snacks to go and carry as much liquids as you can put in your bag.

The train will arrive at a station in the centre of town and you will be able to just pick your bags and head to your hotel.



Well said, Pivero! Never fly in this part of Europe - it is just not worth it, and you miss out on so much.


Thank you all for your responses. Right now, Smart Wings is very cheap -- like US$122. That is what got us thinking about the flight.

Is there a really nice train between Prague %26amp; Budapest?


The 11.33 from Prague Holesovice - EC171 HUNGARIA is quite a nice train - it arrives in Budapest at 18.32. This is what it looks like on the inside:

And this is the outside:…

The description above of %26#39;hostel-like conditions%26#39; refers only to the %26#39;couchette%26#39; carriages, not the sleepers - in a sleeper there are only two bunks. If there are two of you you can occupy a whole compartment to yourself. There is even a shower, and you get breakfast in the morning - here are some pictures:

They sometimes put the older type on if there is high demand -

This train departs Prague 21.53, arrives Budapest 07.03 - you can get the tickets in advance from the main station, or you can even buy them direct from the steward on the train. I can%26#39;t see it being booked up. It should cost about the same as your plane ticket (including sleeper supplement), but it is a much more civilised way to travel and has all the advantages as listed above - leaving from Prague Main Station and arriving at Budapest Keleti is one of Europe%26#39;s great rail journeys and is very atmospheric. Beats the airports hands down.

Have a nice trip!


Planning my own trip this May. had reservations with SkyEurope Prague to Bratislava - trying to get to Vienna. Heard they were better then Wings. Well - I just got cancelled! No reason. Now I%26#39;m fighting to get money back! Will take the train to Vienna. I%26#39;d do the same.

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