Thursday, April 19, 2012

Questions:Holesovice Railw.Station, ATM & ticket counters?

Hi, I did a search on this forum but a few things are unclear. I hope someone who is familiar with Holesovice station can answer the following questions :

I have two friends arriving in mid-day (ca.14:00) at this station from Vienna in May and go to Residence Mala Strana for 5-day stay. Since they say they have baggage of manageable size and ready to take public transportation, I will tell them to buy a 5-day pass at Holesevice. They can take tram 12 direct to Ujezd stop.

1. Can anyone tell me the approximate ( or as precise as possible) location of atm between Holesovice Railway station and the tram stop? I have used the tram stop there and taken a bus to Troja but have never entered to Railway station nor the metro.

2. With the moneys they got at atm, where can they buy the 5-day pass? I hope they don%26#39;t need to go down to metro because of the baggage even it is manageable. Is there a manned booth on the ground level where they can pay with bank notes? I understand the vending machines take only coins and sells only single tickets or 24-hr pass.

3. Tram 12 for Ujezd (via Malostranska), they should take the one that goes to the right (with Railway %26amp; Metro station on your back), shouldn%26#39;t they?

Any infos on above will be appreciated. Thanks very much.


If you go to and enter nadrazi holesovice the position of the ATMs is shown - you have to turn to your left when exiting the rail station and there are two there.

I also seem to remember that there is one in the entrace to the metro station upstairs, but don%26#39;t quote me on that...

You can buy your passes in any of the newspaper kiosks - they have had many years of experience dealing with foreign visitors so I am sure they must speak English.

I found this site just now - it has some really good information (the information about prices is a bit old, though)


Thanks for your quick reply! Especially your description on location of atm helps. I wasn%26#39;t sure if the kiosks had 5-day pass (did they have 72 hr pass before?) but from your answer, I think I can count on it? My friends speak German and English so they will do fine.


They should have all the available passes, but I have never bought one myself as I am usually just passing through. Just be careful, though - it is a bit of a pickpocketing hotspot, and people who have just arrived and are a bit disorientated are a prime target, but just take the usual precautions. The same would go for any other city in Europe.

The machines are a nightmare if you haven%26#39;t used one before - believe me, even if you don%26#39;t speak Czech it will be less stressful to buy them from a real person :)


%26gt; it is a bit of a pickpocketing hotspot, and people who have just arrived and are a bit disorientated are a prime target, but just take the usual precautions.

Yes, I%26#39;m aware of it. That%26#39;s why I want to give my friends detailed infos on locations of those things.

Thanks for your thoughts and advices!

For the same reasons above, I am hoping to indicate my friends a manned counter where they can buy the appropriate tram/metro pass for sure like at the airport. I might have read somewhere kioks don%26#39;t necessarily have all the sorts of passes but I%26#39;m not sure. Maybe a former Prague expert Peb once said that (or not).


Your best bet of getting a 5-day pass is in one of the %26#39;established%26#39; kiosks - i.e. not one of the temporary ones that are spread out on tables in the corridor - they usually have normal tickets, but not the more %26#39;complicated%26#39; stuff.

Again, from memory, as you come out of the main rail concourse past the ticket offices and turn right, opposite the metro entrance, there is such a shop - glass-fronted, and they will have what you are looking for.

The only thing with the ATMs is that they tend to give you large notes, which they don%26#39;t like taking in kiosks for small items, for obvious reasons - I can%26#39;t think of a way around that one, I%26#39;m afraid!


Thanks again.

%26gt; The only thing with the ATMs is that they tend to give you large notes, which they don%26#39;t like taking in kiosks for small items, for obvious reasons - I can%26#39;t think of a way around that one, I%26#39;m afraid!

Yes, I thought about it too. Another reason I didn%26#39;t think much about kiosks for. That%26#39;s why I%26#39;m asking if there is a ticket selling office (by the prague city transport company and not kiosks) on the ground level. Don%26#39;t you remember one?

I think I will give all the infos I can get (you have given me most, thanks) to my friends and let them manage.

If I was with them it would have been so easy. These are very good friends of mine. If they had told me earlier about their travel plan coming to Europe (they are travelling in Autria and Prague), I could have even planned to meet them at Holesovice and guide them but when they had told me it was too late. I had already booked a trip to Venice about the same time.


Yes - there is a ticket selling office, but they are even less likely to have change and actually selling the tickets seems to be low on their priority list :)

Don%26#39;t worry - I am sure they will be fine. Millions of people pass through the city each year without mishap, and they should be no exception, especially armed with all the information that you are about to give them :)

That site that I mentioned above is very good - tell them to have a look through it. The prices are a couple of years old, but otherwise the advice is very sound.


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