Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What are your favorite sights and activities?

I%26#39;m going to be in Prague for a week with my hubby from March 21-28 to visit my in-laws who live in Pankrac, Praha 4.

I%26#39;ve visited one other time, August/Sept. 2001 - but didn%26#39;t get to tour much. Any recommendation for places to see and activities to do? We are going to be in a town called Dolni Dobrouc for Easter.



My favorite thing was going to the State Opera House performance of Midsummer%26#39;s Night Dream, ballet. I think any kind of performance would be done well there, seems to be a variety of different shows. The theatre is gorgeous and was the highlight of our trip. :)


Dolni Dobrouc is quite a long way from Prague, but you must not miss Litomysl, which is just down the road, when you are there - it is a UNESCO world heritage site… witha beautiful renaissance castle and town square. It is also the birthplace of the composer Bedrich Smetana.

I don%26#39;t know if you have ever been the Czech Republic at Easter, but don%26#39;t be surprised if you are hit on your behind with a whip made of plaited twigs with coloured ribbons tied around the top (mrskačka) - the menfolk will sing you a song while they are doing it - each area has their own words. You may also be soaked with water for your troubles - don%26#39;t worry though, it is only a (relatively) harmless tradition, and is more visible in the villages. You need to go armed with painted Easter eggs to give in return.…

Veselé velikonoce! (Happy Easter)


Thank you so much for the suggestions! The play sounds like a lovely idea - I do know we are going to be seeing the play %26quot;Angelika%26quot;, and the symphony %26quot;Don Giovanni%26quot;, courtesy of my mother in law, but if there is time maybe we can see that too!

That Easter tradition sounds funny! I didn%26#39;t know they did something like that! :)


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