Monday, April 23, 2012

Cough Medicine: What should I buy?

I need to buy some cough medicine today/tomorrow while in Prague. Without knowing the language or the local brands though, what do you guys suggest I should buy?



ask for %26gt; ROCELOVY SIRUP (rowseelowvee searoop!)


ask for %26gt; ROCELOVY SIRUP (rowseelowvee searoop!)


Tymomel, it%26#39;s the best....


Depends on the type of cough - if its the congested %26quot;wet%26quot; type, when your airwaves are stuck with mucus - then you need an expectorans (medicine that makes the mucus more liquid and expels it out). It absolutely requires drinking a lot of liquids (min 3 liters a day) - water, teas... no dairy products.

The second type of cough - the %26quot;dry%26quot;, irritable, painful coughing can be soothed by antitussants - sometimes locally (in lungs), sometimes centrally (in the brain) acting drugs suppressing the cough reflex altogether.

There can me intermediate cough types - then the advice is usually go with the expectorants during the day and the suppressants for the night.

Expectorants: ACC long (comes both as water soluble tablets and caplets)

Mucosolvan (sirup or drops), Hedelix (sirup), Mucosin..

Robitussin expectorant

Coldrex sirup

Thymomel (sirup, !contains honey if you are allergic)

Antitussants: Codein (by far the best but only for prescription)

Tussin (drops)

Robitussin antitussicum

Stoptussin (drops)

Stodal (sirum or drops) - homeopathic medicine

Good luck, the pharmacists can mostly speak english and are trained in diagnosing and advising on minor ailments such as cold and cough - go with their advice.


Thanks everyone. Can you recommend a pharmacy on or near Narodni by any chance too please?


there are many farmacies around. doesn%26#39;t matter which one. Go to TESCO. my friend would tell you: the best medicine is 5 pilsners and 6 paralens.


Thanks again everyone. Stopped by one of the pharmacies on Nardoni today...


A good shot of homemade Moravian slivovice should do the trick...


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