Thursday, April 19, 2012

For Pivero............... Bakalar

found some Bakalar beer in my local Morrisons supermarket,never seen it before and have nenver tasted it before.I have bought a couple of bottle s to try,but would like your thoughts on the stuff.


Uh! U have%26#39;t had Bakalar for a long time.

As far as I remember is of average quality. Woudln%26#39;t make me go out of my way to find it, woudn%26#39;t make me turn around and seek another place if I came across it.

I should buy a couple of bottles myself to review it...

Hope you enjoy it, though, let me know what your impressions are...

Na Zdraví!



It is in the fridge,but i am away for the rest of today,may get a chance to try it tomorrow.

just nice to have another czech beer available to me.

My favourite bar in Edinburgh now does Budvar and Krosovice (dark) on draught and though it is quite good it is not a patch on the stuff in Prague.


Czech beer wisdom says that the quality of a pint depends in equal parts of the brewer and the person who taps it. There is a lot of truth in it, some average brews become really good when tapped by good hands, and some really good ones can become nearly undrinkable in the wrong ones.

I like Budvar, I think that, for a brewery with an output of over a million hl a year, it is still a really good lager.

Krusovice dark. I used to like it back in those days, I havent had it for a long time, Ive found better stuff to give my crowns to.



I liked Krusovice dark when I first had it years ago. I had it again recently and didn%26#39;t enjoy it so much. I prefer dark beers from Bernard and even Kozel. But my beer palate is pretty simple.


Well, the place where you had it recently wont make it to my good-spots-to-have-a-pint list :)

Oh! I love Bernard dark, I would say that it%26#39;s one of the best in the country, together with Herold (pity that it is almost impossible to find here).

As for Kozel, I used to like it, now my tastes have changed, I prefer dark beers with more roasted notes, %26quot;drier%26quot;, dark 10° tend to be a bit too sweet, but my wife still likes them, as many women do....





3.Musketyr (Krusovice)

Who needs more? :-)


Svijany, Rohozec, Klášter, Herold, Regent, Černá Hora Moravské Sklepní Nefiltrované, Platan 11° and Prachenská Perla, Primátor Weizen and Polotmavé, etc, etc etc....

I rather give my money to smaller regional breweries, usually they are people who really care about their product (Bernard being one of them). Most of the beers listed above, if not all of them, will be cheaper, than Pilsner Urquell bottled, let along anything from Krušovice.

There is the moral issue as well, these smaller brewers deserve our support, they are the ones making the most interesting and, in many cases, best beers here.

Anytime you see a bottle or a sign of a Czech beer you don%26#39;t know, go for it. You will be doing beer culture a big favour.



I love the Primator Weizenbeier. A restaurant near my flat serves it. Not expensive, either. Better than Hoegaarden.


Hey Unclegus, I was just going to ask you whether you had Bakalar in your Morrisons as well - I hadn%26#39;t seen it for years and I had to do a bit of a triple take.

I find that, as with some of the %26#39;smaller%26#39; ones, such as Primator (Nachod), Zlaty Beran (Lanskroun) and others, it is a bit sickly - sort of honey-like, and doesn%26#39;t have the %26#39;rough%26#39; quality of proper Plzen or Bernard. I just hope Morrisons haven%26#39;t stopped doing Ostravar - that was actually more drinkable (and cheaper!)

See if you can drink your way through this lot :)


Still not tasted it yet,just back from a bowling club meeting so being a good boy.

noticed Somerfield ( I was in buying special offer malt whiskiy) are doing Ostrovar and Asda doing Herold as well as the better known brews.

there is an off license in Edinburgh doing Krosovice dark and light and Haddows do a beer called Firebrand which is made in the Branik brewery.

certainly we are better served with Czech beers than we were a few years ago.

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