Friday, March 23, 2012

Restaurants: Review my list and give me some feedback

I have been reading lots of lots of the messages and reports posted in this forum. I have also been doing a lot of research using other sources and here is the list of dinner restaurants that I have compiled for our 5-day visit to Prague in late April. Please let me know if there is a restaurant on this list that should be eliminated or if there is one missing that should be on the list.

(1) Cerny Kohout

(2) Zahrada v opere

(3) V Zatisi

(4) Alcron (Radisson)

(5) Perpetuum (I love duck!)

I would like to get some suggestions for lunch. Places that offer light meals -- great salads, soups, sandwiches. Nothing HEAVY!

Another unrelated question on personal safety. On the last two days of our trip, I will be on my own. My hotel is the Maximilian (by the way, has anyone stayed there or know what it%26#39;s like?). Would it be safe for me, a single woman, to walk around at night by myself if, for example, the restaurant I%26#39;m going to is within walking distance? I enjoy walking very much and would like to do so but not if it%26#39;s a bit risky.

All your suggestions and advice will be much welcomed and appreciated.


We [ladies] stayed next door to your hotel and it is in a perfectly safe area plus next door but one is the restaurant Chez Marcel which gets very good reviews.



Zahrada is nice, good food and location. V Zatisi is great fine dining, used to be my favourite for a long time. Alcron is overrated in my taste. It is a part of the hotel corridor turned into a restaurant. The food is great though. Perpetuum is in Prague 6, but well worth a visit.

Maximilian is great, good location, safe area. Just be aware of pickpockets.


Me and my partner came back yesterday, would i walk around at night on my own? NO definitely no way!!

Beautiful city lots to see and do loads of nice places to eat, but in my opinion not safe for a woman to walk around alone.


Martina, is Prague 6 far from the hotel? Should I take a taxi? How long would the drive be? Is it risky to take a taxi by myself at night? If so, I might consider eating at Perpetuum before my companion leaves Prague so that there would be two of us.

I know that you consider the area near my hotel safe but, obviously, I will be out walking around sightseeing or just exploring the city. One of the posters indicated that I should not be out walking by myself after dark. Are the first 3 restaurants on my list within walking distance of the Maximilian? If not, could you suggest some excellent restaurants that are within safe walking distance from the hotel? Generally speaking, I favor food that is light and innovatively prepared (without heavy sauces): salads, vegetables, seafood/fish and, of course, duck (my favorite). Price is not an issue as long as it isn%26#39;t absolutely exorbitant.

Thanks in advance. Anyone else who has comments or suggestions to make, I would welcome them.


I have to disagree with crazychick6 for all the years I have been going to Prague with my mother and daughters who are now in their 20s we have never encountered any problems walking out at night, we have stayed all over the city and walked many different ways , of course there are no go areas after dark and surely that is the purpose of T A to inform us of the no go areas after dark [IF WE ASK]



Response to TORII: It could be that crazychick6 was referring to my walking alone at night. When you were in Prague with your daughters and mother, there were several people in your group and thus, I assume, less vulnerable looking than a female by herself.


Response to Lust4Travel In the last 9 years I have and I will again walk through the streets of Prague on my own at night without feeling vulnerable ,but I must admit this has always been before midnight, perhaps other people have been talking about being out in the small hours. ` I think if you are of this disposition you are lucky because the hotel you are staying in is surrounded by resataurants and bars including next door where we stayed ,they have a restaurant but I cannot tell you what it is like as we did not eat there.



TORII: thank you. While I love to walk, especially when I am exploring a new city, I am not generally out after midnight. I was basically referring to walking leisurely back to the hotel after dinner (10:00 - 11:00) and perhaps lingering in a spot or two that I find interesting.


I really do not think you will have a problem and it will be busy with tourists , the street you are on has other hotels and it is very near to the main streets and there are always a lot of police about, infact I do not think I have ever seen anywhere with so many police stations , four of the hotels we have stayed in have had police stations located 3 or 4 doors away.

As you have said previously you are aware of pickpockets just be aware if you are sightseeing where there are crowds or on the trams and metros, we have been lucky and have never had this problem but I have heard of many people who have on this forum .

Just have a great time, you are going to a beautifull city and remember to keep looking up you will be amazed as to what you see on the top of the buildings.



I am off to the Maximilian tomorrow for 4 nights so will let you know. Will also have a look for you regarding restaurants.

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