Thursday, March 29, 2012

Prague Shopping Recommendations Please

My wife and I are in Prague for 4 days. Just looking for insights on what are great purchases here and where to get them.

We have our hotel, flights, ground logistics, et al.... just looking on what to buy here...

Thanks. BrasilBobPam


absinth and you use it instead of cachaca for caipirinha...


We are still doing our research as we go in September, but I know Bohemian glass and crystal is very popular. The trick is getting it back.

We are foodies so we%26#39;ll be trying to find some apple strudel and lots of great beer.


Amber jewelry is big in the Czech Republic as is garnet. The garnet is mined in the country but the amber is mined in the Baltics. I bought several pieces of amber and LOVE them. I didn%26#39;t realize there was such a variety of amber colors until I visited Prague and Cesky Krumlov. The jewelers I bought from bargained with me and gave me much better prices by paying cash (I used crowns, not euros).

Enjoy your trip!



Do you recall the name of the jewelers where you bought the garnet and amber? I am going to Prague middle of May and would love to buy these jewels.




I%26#39;ll be there in September and I%26#39;d love to know too!


The store in Prague is called Moldavin. The one in Krumlov is called S%26amp;A Jewelry. S%26amp;A had the best variety of amber stones and settings, BTW. However, you%26#39;ll see many stores in Prague with beautiful pieces. I went into several until I found the exact setting I wanted and then bargained from there. Moldavin is in the same neighborhood as the high-end stores, like Cartier, but I was able to get a good deal, based on my previous forays into other shops. Good luck!


We went to Prague last summer and shopping abounds. Garnet and Amber are EVERYWHERE!!! After a while it all starts to look the same. My advice is if you see a piece you like, buy it!

Crystal is a must. The prices are incredible, but getting it home can be tricky. We packed an extra duffle, loaded it with our crystal purchases and checked our previous carry-on. We got everything home incident free. Shipping crystal home is very very expensive so plan ahead and take a bag with you that you can carry on the plane.

If you have kids, grandkids, or a kid at heart, the marrionnettes are incredible. There are some real cheap, touristy ones, and then there are the real works of art. I personally think that a marionnette is a true Czech souvenir.


For crystal at normal prices (not tourist prices), and which is delivered to your home for you, try and you don%26#39;t need to worry about it getting broken on the way home!


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