Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Is it cheap in Prague????

Going to Prague in a few weeks with friends. Just wondered is it reasonable out there. Eg cost of a pint of Lager, cost of three course meal etc. Also which currency would we be better of taking the Euro or the CZK Krown?


not as cheap as it used to because of the exchange rate but still a bit cheaper than the uk.

beer is anything from 20-130 czk depending on where you go,but most places will be 30-40czk.


If it`s more than 40, walk on by. We can all help to keep the tourist inflation at bay! Stick to the backstreets for food and drink - follow the locals!


Got back a few days ago from a 4 day trip and I averaged a spend of about £100 per day - that included a few beers and cocktails, taxis to and from the airport and some very nice meals. We didn%26#39;t scrimp, but also didn%26#39;t get carried away by the lovely views into paying over the odds for that view... well except a couple of times when it was lovely, hot and sunny and we wanted a good view of the river to sit back and relax in front of! Have a look at the menu before you sit down - for example one course at a place on the Old Town Square cost about £15, but was about £4 for the same thing a couple of restaurants along. We took CZK. Have fun - we loved it :)


£100 a day? WTF?

You can quite happily get by on half that and eat and drink handsomely... But I suppose if you add in accommodation costs, then maybe yes, £100 could quite easily slip through your fingers.


I think that was £100 a day for 2 people.

certainly on my last trip (May 2007) we spent about £20-30 each per day for food and drinks ( lunch %26amp; evening meal),we certainly didn%26#39;t scrimp on any thing,when you addded in transport ,entrance fees , 3 day trips ( one organised 2 self-guided) a night at a Folk evening and other bits and pieces then we probably averaged about £50 each per day,very good value in my opinion.

since then with the exchange rate things are about 25% more expensive for us Brits but still reasonable value.As others have said avoid the bars and resturants of the Old Town square and you will find things a good bit cheaper.


Thank you all for your help and tips. Will stay away from the Old Town for food. Like Sidsticks said %26#39;follow the locals%26#39; we did that before and had the best meal ever.


Me and my partner were in Prague a few weeks ago and we were there for 4 days. Including taxis to and from the airport we spend a total of just under £250 (So, £125 each)

We found it to be very cheap, but they key is to go off the beaten track. Bars and restaurants in the main squares are hugely over priced.

We were eating in smaller restaurants and paying under £15 for a nice filling lunch with beer and wine. We found the cheapest pint to be 69p!!

Also, you%26#39;ll find a lot of places dont have signs with restaurant names on like the UK, a lot of them will just have the Pilsner Beer Logo outside so dont be afraid to have a browse, most have menus in the windows.

We took CZK as it seemed easier. Euros seemed to be accepted in most places but the rate varied.


That is exactly the way to do it, Belindacoles - however, you said that you took CZK - maybe it would have been even cheaper if you had taken your CZK out from the cashpoint in Prague rather than get them in the UK (or maybe this is what you did?)


Yes we withdrew the money when we reached Prague. We always do this when we go on europen holidays.

We always take 50euros with us for emergencies and taxis and I am so glad we do this as in Budapest for some reason at the airport I could not withdraw any cash, was fine once I reached the city though.


Is there any money changer in Prague Airport? How%26#39;s the rate? Better to change in airport or city? We plan to bring US$ and change in to CZK Krown in Czech as we can not change it in Malaysia.

Thanks for any info given.

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