Thursday, April 19, 2012

Just back

Hi Just back from Prugue this afternoon We are left with mixed feelings. We liked Prague It was real pretty well the tourist zone at least!!!!!! the outter part was not. (graffiti everywhere) dull gray buildings yuck. The weather was not good and the tourist at Easter to much. We were ripped off by the taxi drivers when we arrived asking £800 to the centre and very rude when we refused. I dont think Prague is cheap at all i found it the same prices has anywhere else in Europe the beer was cheap.We dinned one afternoon at a restaurant U tri henslicek we got a tourist menu which was 520 for two of us and ended up with extras 900 1 water 1 coffee and service and like almost everywere else in Prague cheated on the change and i mean every where!!!!The service at the restuarant was so slow that it took 2 hours from beguining to end of the meal we were put next to the window to pull in more guest in. Dont get me wrong the food was very nice Has you can tell iam not a fan of Prague at all so will not be returning for sure


Weather not good? It%26#39;s March, it was about 1 -2 degrees with no rain? If you wanted better then you shouldn%26#39;t go in winter IMO.

Tourists at Easter? yep, it%26#39;s Easter:-) I found it less busy than many parts of London would be, or Rome, or venice, or Paris etc etc etc.......

£800 to the centre? I find that hard to believe, do you mean CZK 800? That%26#39;s £25.

%26quot;We got a tourist menu%26quot; - yep you got ripped off as you would in Rome, London, Paris, Budapest anywhere with %26quot;tourist menu%26quot;.

Cheated on the change? %26quot;Everywhere%26quot;? I never saw that once in many many shops and all the lunches, dinners and beers we had around town. Not to mention the food booths and stalls in Old Town Sq and Wenseslas.

Sorry to answer back, but your post is typical of some that made me worry about Prague, when I got there it was nothing like you describe, I just got back from a 1st visit also.

This forum may have helped with planning, I agree it%26#39;s touristic but such a negative post is not balanced IMO. Of course I don%26#39;t doubt youir experience but I wanted to post this as balance.

You can do likewise on my more positive threads if you think you had a typical experience.

I%26#39;m genuinely sorry you had a bad time.



Yes this is what TA is about If thay is more reports about peoples real experiences good or bad people might think again about going to these places we report negative about. ive now been more than 30 places it the one liked less The daily mail reported about the TA site when someone puts something negative about a place your bullyed ooohhh there so right about this I dont like prague lots of people do my fav place is the maldives some poeple dont!!!hay this is what makes the world go round!!! Oh and also were in sping it changed afew days ago


sam221 I%26#39;m really sorry Prague wasn%26#39;t what you expected. I have an entirely different feeling about Prague, but I respect honest opinions of all kinds about travel. I had a similar experience in Florence and nobody could understand it. That phrase %26quot;different stokes for different folks%26quot; is what life is all about.


Thanks for your reply at least someone understands !!!!


it you have been asked 800Kc from the airport to the centre, it is not rip off, it is for example standart fare of several transportation agencies (not taxi). Well, if you eat U tri hOUslicek, you must count with the highest price as it is like to have lunch on Champs Elysees. If you checked few other pubs in the street, you would find menus for 150Kc per person. This is nothing to blame someone of. But I understand that the extras are expensive. But still, few months ago I paid 4EUR for a coffee in lousy Athens cafe. 4EUR=100CZK.

I would also like to know which parts of non tourist centre were grey building yacks. Probably the area around the street leading up to the airport. Yeah, that%26#39;s suburb. The same anywhere. Anyway, Iam sorry yo u didn%26#39;t enjoyed your time in prague. before next visit, browse internet and you won%26#39;t be surprised by the fact, that %26quot;cheap Prague%26quot; is a myth. Czech rep. living standards are higher than in Portugal/Greece and the prices reflect that.



No you are wrong in this instance.

Everyone accepts negative posts, but comments here are just wrong, incorrect and inacurate as a generalisation.

I have no reason to defend Prague, it%26#39;s not my favourite place but it%26#39;s a great place to see and posts like the O.P. paint an incredibly negative picture of a city where everyone rips you off.

£800 for a cab and EVERYONE short changes you? Come on - get real, please.!

Why should that be allowed to stand without someone advising that in fact it does not have to be the case?? The comments are wrong, no-one is being bullied, they are being corrected, if not others reading may avoid Prague without reason.

Please allow balanced posts, not sweeping inaccurate statements.



My husband and I are going to Prague next week (after Vienna and BUdapest). We are very anxious about the trip. Since we will stay there only 2 days and a half, we would like to know what places we must definitely visit. I understand that the Prague castle is a must. IN this case, which is the most convenient way to get there/to the main entrance: by subway or tram/others?

Also, can we exchange euros into their currency easily? How much money is necessary for just 2 days ?

By the way, I saw that it is snowing right now. Can this be a problem for our trips? For example, we want to use one day to go to Cesky Krumlov. It is too much for just 2 days and a half in Prague? SHould we skip this trip and stay in Prague?

Sorry for so many questions !


1, Don%26#39;t be anxious, it%26#39;s just a city.

2, You need 2 full days to see Prague IMO minimum.

so maybe the day trip is stretching it, I%26#39;ll let

locals comment on that.

I don%26#39;t think the castle is a %26#39;must go in%26#39; but it%26#39;s a must see from outside, walk around the area. You should walk from Charles Bridge slowly through the town and up the hill to castle, then back down the other side.

If you have walking difficulties, I%26#39;d use tram, I don%26#39;t know Prague well after just 4 days but it seemed to me that trams are more convenient for tourist areas. Most places you can walk from a central point anyway. We used a tram just twice in 4 days.

The Old Town square and streets and squares close by are worthy of exploration as is the Old Jewish quarter.

Change currency in Banks, use ATM machine to draw CZK

Snow won%26#39;t be a problem, they are well prepared.

Where are you staying?



It takes several days to just see Prague, I would skip the day tour.


thank you both for your suggestions !

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