Friday, March 23, 2012

Hey - Anyone?

Hi, Im off to prague, just wondering where the best place to buy cigarettes would be? Cheapest places? And how much are they, to bring back to Uk this is :)


hi there! I am going to prague soon. Hope you enjoyed your trip? Do you have any info on buying tobacco / cigarettes. How much do they cost and wher is best to purchase them. What is the recomended allowance to bring back?

Your help will be good


Allowance for UK is 3600

Whilst into Ireland its only 800

I think they were about 740 krs for a carton


thanks. Is it best to buy them from the city or airport. Can u get the uk brands ok?


Yes you can get most brands. Same price at airport.


Fags cost the same everywhere. You can take back as many as you want back to the UK, but you will have to have a good excuse for the customs man if you are taking more than 3600.



It is advisable to testsmooke a packet of your favorites before you buy several cartons

Allthough they look the same some brands are made under license and taste slightly different to suit the local market.



So you can rally bring 3600 cigs back and be within the law? I thought i read on here that it is only 200, however that could be out of date info. Thanks for all your help with this


Amshep if you are bringing them back into Ireland the allowance from Czech Republic is 800.

Into the UK is 3600

Its 200 from, Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.


I don%26#39;t know what it is for Ireland (somebody said 750 above), but since January 1st for the UK is is 3600 no questions asked, but before that it was 200. Something to do with duty - too complicated to go into here :)


think it is because they are now part of the eec and as such there are different allowances

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