Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sights, food and beer .

Prague has the %26#39;fairytale%26#39; architecure you expect, truly impressive and wonderful views at different points. The views from the river are fantastic, especially at night, in the floodlights we enjoyed walking across to Malo Strana and due to Easter the old town square had easter market, music and food stands. Lovely atmosphere on a cold evening sipping hot wine and just wandering around.

For lunches we chose anywhere that was an Pilsner Urquell pub/cafe and the local dishes were always good. I went to great trouble to book in advance two %26#39;themed%26#39; restaurants for my daughters birthday.

1, Koliba U pastyrku, this meant a tram ride 20 mins out of town, easy and well worth it. The food here was excellent and very talented %26#39;gypsy%26#39; musicians. The violnist phenomenal. We had a great evening, 3 mixed startes of local meats etc on a plank. Meats were roasted on an open grill in front of us and we had Pork, Lamb Chicken main courses with sides,all excellent. Good wine list. VERY friendly staff and chef. CZK 2000 for 3 all inclusive. Couple of drinks each and a bottle of very decent local wine.


2, U Sedmi Svabu. Medieval Banquet on Friday nights. Reservationes essential. IMO this was a TOURIST TRAP.

Not often Old Stoofer gets caught but did so here, the %26#39;show%26#39; was a couple of inadaquat dancers and a very good fire eater. But they combined to take up about 20 mins of a so called 3 hour program. Food was o.k. but way over priced for what we had.

This place maybe o.k. for ordering from the menu but I%26#39;d avoid this program. VERY DISAPPOINTING. Still, a beer and slivovica %26#39;pit stop%26#39; on the walk back to old town soon put that to rest.


Had several visits to U Medvicu and %26#39;The green tree%26#39; (another Urquell beer hall) just opposite our hotel and across from U Vojvedu. On principle I avoided Vojvodu, as I saw the manager skulk out on Thursday night and change the avertising board for .5 litre of Urquell Pilsner from CZK 29 to CZK49! It looked a nice place but clearly for tourists. The Golden Tiger was too busy and smokey to take my family in, good local mans pub no doubt.

I enjoyed both Budvar and Urquell equally. Had some beer from the Monastery above the casle too that was very good. Local Slivovica is very good.

I know there are a lot of beer enthusiats here, but for me I%26#39;d not go wild on Prague for drinking, I prefer Munich but that%26#39;s just a personal opinion.

Prague has more to offer than beer and I don%26#39;t understand the attraction for stag weekends. Saving £2 a pint when it%26#39;s cost you a few £100 to get there, I%26#39;ll never understand. I got the feeling that the Stag days maybe over as not so many other intrests as you find in places like Amsterdam for lads stag fun. Not trying to be controvesial but having been on several stags in my youth, I%26#39;d not choose Prague.

Saw a few gropus of drunken Brits but all well behaved.



Interesting re; U Vejvodu -- they proudly put the beer price on the front of their website:


Yes, Brewsta

Very naughty, due to Easter I guess. Had I seen that web-site I would have told them:-) Definitely went up to CZK49 on Thursday night, and was still the same on Sunday. %26#39;The Tree%26#39; across the stret remained consistenlty at CZK33 for same, their cellar very busy every night..



Went to U Vejvodu every day on our last trip a few weeks back and we were always charged the same price - 29.95czks. Always made welcome and beer was always spot on!




I don%26#39;t doubt it, that was why I posted the remark.

When we arrived Thursday, the price was as you say, and on a board outside the pub. I actually witnessed the manager come out and change it, you could still see the original price below the new one.

It was an Easter %26#39;trap%26#39; for sure, no amount of posts saying the price was, or is CZK29 will change it:-)



I am very dissapointed in U Vejvudo, it has always been a favourite place for me,but on my last trip service was fairly indifferent and a couple of times i avoided it as i saw very large stag/rugby club groups going in.

Pleased you enjoyed U Pastyrku,i enjoyed the food there very much,how did you manage on the trams to and from it?

Shame about U Sedmi Svabu, It is a place i have never managed to get to.

U Medvidku is a great place always good food and service there.

What did your daughter think of Prague,did she have fun.

maybe you could persaude her to write a little report of her own.(might help other families thinking of going to Prague)

Nice balanced report Stoofer Well Done!


Hi Unclegus

I wouldn%26#39;t hold it against Vojvodu if you like the place, with the family I was never going to spend too much time in pubs and beer halls, that%26#39;s why I booked the two restaurants. On the 3rd night we just tried all the local stalls for snacks around the Old town square. We had big lunches each day too in different Urquell places:-)

Regarding Pastyrku and trams, thanks to you and GCEK it was very easy, I like the diagram/routes displayed withing the trams, a great help. Don%26#39;t forget I%26#39;m used to Belgrade, and their trams are much harder to understand :0) But I think most would find prague transport user friendly.

Svabu is a small place, it looks much better on web-site. They may have good food off the menu but this %26#39;banquet%26#39; not IMO especially with not enough entertainment. You didn%26#39;t miss anything!

Regarding my 13 year old, we are lucky that she loves exploring new cities and countries, loves taking photographs. A little digi camera the best investment we ever made, keeps her interested and she gets a lot out of travel. She liked the food and the live music. Looking at the easter markets and stalls,, had a great time shopping etc. She has been to many great cities and rated Prague yes.

Did you ever go to %26#39;the green tree%26#39; opposite Vojvodu?

Lots of locals in there.



Your daughter seems a well balanced ,savvy traveller,just wish I had had the oppertunity to travel when I was her age (old man talking).

don%26#39;t ever remember being in the Green Tree,but there are quite a few pubs I don%26#39;t remember being in in Prague ( not due to alcohol consumption),it is only since I joined TA that I have really took note of the bars and resturants I have visited.

I have been in the Klasterini Pivovar up at the Strahov Monestry several times ,I really enjoy it there,beer is great but last time I was in I had he most wonderful Rabbit stew and dish I don%26#39;t get to sample too often.


I never tried the rabbit, but yep, it looked a good place for food.

Thanks, yep, I%26#39;m the same re,. travel, never had the chance until I was about 17 -18 years old. That%26#39;s why we really try to show our daughter around, hopefully she will pick up the best bits of different cultures and learn languages. She has a good start having parents from totally different cultures and she already speaks like a local in Belgrade. How I wish I could speak different languages properly.

Cheers Unclegus, I%26#39;ll probably %26#39;bump%26#39; into you again on this forum as I%26#39;ll lurk around every now and again.



Stooferuk thanks for the great report. Its so much fun seeing Prague through others eyes. Going on a pub tour this time so hopefully get to see, and sample, some of these great pubs you all talk about.

Thanks for sharing. It was great!


Thanks Stoofer, good report.

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