Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Prague or Budapest

It’s my 50th birthday in September and I’m planning on going to either Budapest or Prague for the weekend with my husband but for the life of me cannot decide which would be the best place to go. Has anyone been to both Budapest and Prague and could give me some advice, tips, pros and cons of both cities?


I%26#39;ve been to both, and while they%26#39;re both wonderful cities, I absolutely fell in love with Prague.

They both have amazing history and sites, but to me, Prague has a certain magic that can%26#39;t be compared to any other place I%26#39;ve been to.


I agree with Biketraveler. However I only had a weekend to spend in Budapest and have spent over a month in Prague over the past 8 years (going back next week and can%26#39;t wait) so I may not be giving a wholly balanced opinion. Budapest struck me as a larger, working city that while beautiful lacked the magic and charm of Prague%26#39;s compact centre. This impression was also reinforced by the difference between the broad Danube and the relatively narrow Vlata rivers i.e. it was easier to reach both sides of the river on foot in Prague. The sheer volume of beautiful architecture, winding cobbled streets and green spaces in Prague wins every time for me. I%26#39;m sure that the cheaper costs of food and drink and the friendly people I have encountered also help.


I%26#39;m kind of the other way round to Mc Viking, I%26#39;ve only spent 4 days in Prague but been a good few times to Budapest.

What is best? Neither or niether IMO :-)

I think Budapest is rightly known as %26#39;The Paris of the east%26#39; but everything is much more spread out.

For an impartial recommendation, I%26#39;d say if it%26#39;s just 2 - 3 days, go to Prague, it%26#39;s lovely and very compact so you can see it all in a relaxed way.

Budapest a great city in my view but will have a more hurried/rushed and tiring effect on you for a short weekend.

So for me, relaxed weekend = Prague.

Rushed sightseeing = Budapest.

Both cities must visits in my opinion, Prague has the WOW factor but in a small area, Budapest you keep coming across great areas of interest after some travel.

Think London v Amsterdam, not that either are the same in any way, I mean from a point of view of relaxed v hurried. I don%26#39;t think London is relaxing but Amsterdam is.

Hope this %26#39;weird%26#39; reply helps and you understand my point.



Many thanks to you all for the replies, they were very helpful. I think I’ve now decided on Prague. As we’re only looking at a long weekend and as everything is compact, hopefully we won’t be too shattered coming home!! Will leave Budapest for another time. Just got to keep an eye on Easyjets offers now!

Thanks again.


I was pleasantly surprised by the Easyjet service out of Gatwick just before Easter. BAA cocked-up and caused some queues to Passport control but it was a good trip and I%26#39;s use EJ again. I think morning departures are most reliable.



Ack. An impossible choice to make! Congratulations on your birthday, and the weekend celebration!

You know, you might come down with a bad flu ... cough-cough. If you and your husband are sick for a week (a really bad bug is going around), then you can see Prague for four days and Budapest for four days(!).


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