Thursday, April 12, 2012

Prague at Christmas- too cold?

My husband %26amp; I are flying into London on 19 December %26amp; we would like to visit Paris for a 4-5 days %26amp; we would like to visit Prague for a 4-5 days.Will it be too cold at Christmas time eg 22-26 December or we could be there a week later.Some ideas on what to see %26amp; where to stay would be great in Prague as neither of us has visited Prague before.We have been told that we can catch a train from London to Prague %26amp; obviously stay for a while %26amp; then catch a train back to Paris %26amp; then fly out from London.Any suggestions would be appreciated as we are always eager to hear from people who are willing to share their experiences in travel.




Cold is probably relative, depending on what you are used to. However, I can say from my stay last Christmas, 22 - 26 Dec. It was perhaps min. - 3 to max. + 3 celcius approximatively, rather mild for Prague winter.


Thanks Kat1 for this information as we live in Brisbane, Australia %26amp; we are not used to these types of temperatures, so we will need to have layered clothing %26amp; a good leather coat.



Hi Petal, we were in Prague this past Christmas from Dec 23-27, and yes, it%26#39;s cold...but you%26#39;ll be doing so much walking around(and probably popping into places for some fabulous Czech beer or hot chocolate)that you really won%26#39;t notice the cold all that much. We%26#39;ve visited Prague twice (arriving both times by train from Berlin), and it%26#39;s a wonderful city filled with the most amazing combination of architecture I%26#39;ve ever seen. Since this will be your first visit to Prague, I recommend that you stay in either Old Town or Mala Strana so you%26#39;re close to all the sites. Hope you have a great trip! (How could you not in Prague!)



Iv`e been three times in December/January, it is colder than England but generally drier and less windy so you do not have a `wind-chill` cutting through your clothes. It gets a bit chilly on Petrin hill because you are higher up and exposed but if you keep topping up with mulled wine on the way round (sold absolutely everywhere - even in a kiosk at the top of Petrin) you should be ok. A hat is necessary.


It depends what you call %26#39;too cold%26#39;! Obviously being from Oz it will be a lot colder than you are used to, but I find that Prague is at its best when it is about -10C. AS long as you wrap up well it is quite magical. It keeps the numbers of tourists down as well, but they are missing out on a lot :)

As for going by train from London to Prague - it is possible, and has become quicker with the Eurostar, but it is complicated and will take the best part of 18 hours with several changes. My mum insists on doing it, though, when she visits. Something about a phobia of flying, but each to their own... Check the journey on here:… , and it is a similar story Prague-Paris. It can work out a lot more expensive than flying as well.

This site has some useful information: but whatever you do, don%26#39;t use Raileurope or you will end up paying much more than you should.

Flying can be very cheap from London Gatwick if you book well in advance but avoid Heathrow like the plague.

Hope this helps!


Thanks GCEK for this useful information.



Dear OSUMOM311 %26amp; SidSticks,

Thanks for your infomation.



Just to tag onto this thread.

I am treating my sister to a visit to Prague in early December (birthday present). Among other reasons, she likes markets, and wanted to go the Christmas one there. 2 questions;

1. Is the Prague Christmas market worthwhile? I suppose I mean, is it fairly big and interesting.

2. Will it be in full swing by the 8th December?



There are a couple Christmas markets going on in early December through to Christmas. One is on Wenceslas Square (Vaclavske namesti) and the other is on the Old Town Square (Staroměstské náměstí). They are only about 300 meters apart.


Hi Youngs,

We are off to Prague in 3 weeks. If it any help to you the Three Drums hotel comes highly recommended.( check out the reviews on this site) We are travelling with friends who have stayed there before. It is round the corner from the Old Town. They went in the winter and said it was lovely. Hope this helps you.

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