Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hotel,Taxi drivers, thieves and rude locals. Reality IMO

Some reviews concerned me so I went with %26#39;eyes open%26#39;

and some caution.


Greeted at the airport by our taxi driver, it was booked from the hotel and we paid about CZK 300 more than if we took one from a rank. Worth it? for first time yes to avoid wasted time finding the hotel and loking or cabs. This was bourne out as The airport ATM machine was out of order, our driver Paul took us to one en-route to hotel, also a long queue, he therefore just dropped us at our hotel and said he%26#39;ll collect the fare from reception that evening once I managed to change the money. An elequent fellow, clearly proud of his city. Tinged with some sadness at how expensive it is for locals.

I expect there are some dodgy taxi, not Paul, he wasn%26#39;t fussed about me not having cash whatsoever. You have to make a judgement at the time with cabs, if in doubt go to another cab.

We spoke at length and I immediately understood why some local waiters and bar staff could be %26#39;grumpy%26#39;.

Here we had a university graduate who spoke 6 languages fluently, but he drive a cab and could not afford to drink or eat in the city centre due to tourist inflation. That%26#39;s typical of what happens when east meets west, I know from second my home in Belgrade that people are very well educated in the education system , but trapped in a system that leaves them serving pints or waiting tables.


I saw a few grumpy bar staff, I always smiled joked and bought them a beer, just 1, if I was in their position I%26#39;d be sick of serving people that could afford to throw money around to fuel local inflation, many of whom do not respect local culture.

If they didn%26#39;t appreciate it tough, I%26#39;m on vacation,

I respect them and their city, I can do no more.

No one was rude or abrupt enough to make us feel uncomfortable anywhere.


Position A1 perfect IMO. on Betlemska opposite the chapel. 5 min to Old Town Sqaure, Equidistant from Charles Bridge and Narodni Trida. I couldn%26#39;t have chosen better. Very helpful polite staff, very clean,

it%26#39;s a 2* - 3* with a buffet breakfast in a gothic cellar. Excellent buffet. We had what they described as a suite, ideal for 2 adults + 1 child.

I%26#39;d recommend this hotel as one of character in ideal location, good value.


O.K. Only been for 4 days but Rome %26amp; Barcelona have more in your face problems, I think you need to be very sloppy to get %26#39;picked%26#39; in Prague. I never saw the gangs, I expect they are around but I had no concerns anywhere and was happy for my wife and daughter to go around the shops without looking over their shoulder. I know what to look for with pickppockets and in Prague it%26#39;s an over- stated problem IMO.

I%26#39;ll do another thread for restaurants food and sights.



Cool post.

I have a story about a thief in Prague.. With a good end.

I was taking some sun on a bench in Old Town Square a few summers ago. A big, bare-chested Brit was stretched out on the one next to me. He was wearing sun glasses so it appeared he was sleeping.

At least the potential thief thought so. He tried to grab the Brit%26#39;s bag from under the bench (I missed this part of it), but the man had been watching the whole thing. He jumped up and chased the thief, who dumped his stuff out on the square and ran.

The man had to stop to pick up his stuff, so the thief stopped running at the end of the square and turned the corner onto Parizska.

Just then, the Brit finished gathering his stuff and took off toward Parziska. A minute later, he came back around the corner.

%26quot;Did you catch him?%26quot; I asked.

%26quot;I did.%26quot;

%26quot;What did you do?%26quot;

%26quot;Tapped him on the shoulder and gave him one on the chin. Sent him across an outdoor cafe table.%26quot;

The moral of this story: Be careful where you eat in Prague.


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