Saturday, April 21, 2012

Travel by Car through Czech?

We are thinking of just renting a car and driving around Czech for awhile after our 4-5 days in Prague. Any ideas for a 4-5 day drive about in the country? Thanks. Chris


Have a look at this link…

Or try this for size (just a suggestion, and takes in just a fraction of what can be seen):

Day 1 - Morning pick up car Prague, drive to Kutna Hora spend a few hours looking around, then drive to Jihlava and stay the night there.

Day 2 - Early morning drive to Telc, then drive down through Dacice to Slavonice, which is a beautiful little renaissance gem, right on the Austrian border, which was forgotten about for 40 years and it is like going back 500 years. Find somewhere to stay around there - this one looks quite nice…

Day 3 - Morning turn back to Telc and then head east to Trebicřebíč, which you can look around, then Namest castle and then to Brno take a look at… for places to stay - Hotel pod Spilberkem is probably the best bet.

Day 4 - Check out Brno in the morning - there is so much to do there that you need years to see it all, but you are in a hurry so in the afternoon drive down to Mikulov on the Austrian border and have lunch/dinner at the Rohaty Krokodyl (apparently it has been renamed Hotel Tanzberg), which is opposite the old synagogue, and sample some fine Czech wines - this is not beer country. You can stay there as well.

Day 5 - Depending on how much of a hurry you are to get back, in the morning drive to Lednice/Valtice and then I suppose you will have to get back to Prague - drive back to Brno and then straight up the D1 highway. Just be careful, though - this road can be very busy and just the other day there was a 120-car pileup which put a bit of a spanner in the works, so take it easy.

I am sure others have got their own suggestions - I could spend all day writing out itineraries, but it is getting late :) The above is one that I have tried and tested.

Just a couple of things to watch out for:

- Your car will probably be stick-shift, unless you pay a premium for automatic

- Gas is very expensive (about $2/litre) so go economy

- Keep your dipped headlights on at all times

- Try not to drive in the cities if you can help it, especially not Prague. Brno you can just park the car at the hotel and walk - everything is close by and it is all pedestrianised anyway.

- You must buy highway toll stickers otherwise you will be fined heavily on the spot (same goes for the headlights and speeding)

- Stick to the speed limits!

- If they offer a sat nav at the rental place, get one and use it, or at least get yourselves a decent road map (on sale at all gas stations)


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